Hospice Society Williams Lake
We are...
We are a community based non-profit volunteer society that provides quality compassionate care for the dying and support for their families and friends.
Our Vision:
Excellence in end-of-life compassionate support, education and advocacy.
Our Mission:
It is the mission of the Williams Lake Hospice Society to improve the quality of life of those individuals and their families facing life-limiting illness, death or bereavement, through skilled and compassionate support, education and advocacy.
Our Philosophy:
Hospice palliative care refers to physical, emotional, social and spiritual support and advocacy for those persons who are dying or bereaved. Care is based on a commitment to the whole person and refers to a model of care rather than a place.
Core Values:
Honoring ... end of life with dignity
Offering ... compassionate support and bereavement services
Securing ... resources, partnerships and personnel
Providing ... individual and family resources and skilled volunteers
Integrity ... commitment and excellence while serving a diverse community
Celebrating ... life while healing from loss
Education ... and advocacy on end-of-life issues
What does Hospice do?
We provide trained volunteers who offer social, emotional and spiritual support
We provide education, advocacy and community awareness in palliative care and grief support
We receive referrals from local physicians, Cariboo Memorial Hospital, Home and Community Care, Williams Lake Seniors Village, Cariboo Place and the community
Our Services & Programs:
Referrals are made by health care professionals, friends, family and self-referrals
Anticipatory Grief and Bereavement Services (support and information)
Medical sheepskins and other comfort items for loan to clients and their families
Library of media resources available to clients, their families, volunteers and the general public
Our Volunteers:
Are compassionate individuals from the community who are committed to the Hospice philosophy
Are advocates who comfort and support the individual and their loved ones, while respecting their beliefs, values and privacy
Provide companionship and support through illness, death and the bereavement period
Are required to take our 24+ hour Volunteer Education Course and to attend meetings for ongoing training, mutual care and support
Work with palliative care clients and their loved ones in their own homes, in acute care units or in residential care facilities